Saturday, August 31, 2019
Education Timeline
History of American Education Timeline Antiria Jenkins HIS324: History of American Education Instructor: Timothy Kilgore November 12, 2012 http://prezi. com/vcesi_y4xome/history-of-american-education-timeline/ Education in the United States has faced great changes toward development in the past hundreds of years. At the beginning, during the Colonial Era, the principles of education were mainly based on those already used by European nations at the time.However, the country began to adopt its own approaches toward teachings given different social, political and religious practices (Rippa 9). 1635The first Latin Grammar School (Boston Latin School): Founded on April 23, 1635, in Boston, Massachusetts, it is known as the first public school and oldest existing school in the United States. The Latin grammar curriculum was designed for boys 8 to 15, based on European Schools in a Puritan area. Schools were to prepare boys for college and the service of God.Protestantism believed that edu cation was needed so that individuals could interpret the bible. 1751American Academy founded by Ben Franklin: The demand of skilled workers in the middle of the eighteenth century led Benjamin Franklin to start a new kind of secondary school, thus, the American Academy was established in Philadelphia. American high schools eventually replaced Latin grammar schools. Curriculum was geared to prepare students for employment. Academies eventually replaced the Latin Grammar Schools and some admitted Women. 783Introduction of Noah Webster’s Speller: Noah Webster published the A grammatical Institute of the English language, also known as, â€Å"the blue-back speller. †This was the most widely circulated of the early American textbooks and like Webster’s American Dictionary it strived to establish a national identity as well as the United States’ linguistic and cultural independence of England. As the first popular American textbook, the introduction of Noah W ebster’s speller stands as a significant event in the history of American education. 817(April 15, 1817) Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons: The Connecticut Asylum at Hartford for the Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons opens. It is the first permanent school for the deaf in the U. S. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Laurent Clerc are the school's co-founders. In 1864, Thomas Gallaudet's son, Edward Miner Gallaudet, helps to start Gallaudet University, the first college specifically for deaf students. 824First State-Supported School Established: Originally named the Boston English Classical School and established in 1821, the school was renamed the English High School in 1824 and also, during that year, became the first-state supported common school. The adoption of the English High as a state-supported common school is a significant event in the history of American education as it was, essentially, the first public school. 1855Abolitio n of Segregation of Schools in Massachusetts: Following the case of Roberts v.Boston, the state of Massachusetts abolished segregation in their schools. The victory would be the first in a long battle lasting nearly an entire century. This was the first law to oppose segregated schools in the United States and is, therefore, a significant event in the history of American education. 1856The First Kindergarten: In the United States Margarethe Schurz founded the first kindergarten in Watertown, Wisconsin, in 1856. Her German-language kindergarten impressed Elizabeth Peabody, who opened the first American English-language kindergarten in Boston in 1860.The kindergarten was much more influential in the United States and in the northern part of Europe which encouraged the National Education Association to begin a kindergarten department in 1874, and later, teachers founded the International Kindergarten Union in 1892. 1896The Laboratory School of the University of Chicago (First Progressi ve Laboratory):John Dewey, the father of the progressive education, established the first laboratory school for testing the progressive educational method. This would lead to a popular trend in education adopted by schools during the first half of the twentieth century.Progressive education emphasizes cultivation of problem solving and critical thinking skills through hands-on learning activities. 1905 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: Founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1905 and chartered in 1906 by an act of Congress, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is an independent policy and research center. The Foundation encouraged the adoption of a standard system for equating â€Å"seat time†(the amount of time spent in a class) to high school credits which is still in use today. This system is known as the â€Å"Carnegie Unit. 1939 The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (first called the Wechsler- Bellevue Intelligence Scale): This scale was dev eloped by David Wechsler and is intended to measure human intelligence reflected in both verbal and performance abilities. It introduces the concept of the â€Å"deviation IQ,†which calculates IQ scores based on how far subjects' scores differ (or deviate) from the average (mean) score of others who are the same age, rather than calculating them with the ratio (MA/CA multiplied by 100) system. Wechsler intelligence tests, particularly the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, are still widely used in U.S. schools to help identify students needing special education. 1944 The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (GI Bill of Rights): Bill signed into law on June 22, 1944 by President Franklin Roosevelt during World War II. The GI Bill affords military veterans government funding to pursue or continue educational goals following their service. The GI Bill not only compensates veterans for their service, but has also been responsible for the growth of American colleges and u niversities. 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka: On May 17, 1954, The U. S. Supreme court ruled in Brown v.Board of Education that separate schools did not provide equal education to students and therefore banned the segregation of schools nationwide with a ruling of (9–0) decision stated that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal and declared unconstitutional. 1958 Defense Education Act of 1958: The Defense Education Act of 1958 was signed into law on September 2, 1958 by the United States government during the cold war in reaction to the successful launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik. The Soviets’ scientific success motivated the U. S. government to fund the U.S. Office of Education’s establishment of scientifically and mathematically centered curriculum. The act contained ten titles designed to improve the nation's schools. 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 signed on July 2, 1964 by President Lyndon B. Joh nson banned discrimination in all federally funded programs and outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women. This law helped to further the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education as many schools had continued segregation.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 financially, â€Å"cut-off,†institutions, such as public schools, which promoted discrimination of any and all types and gave leverage to the movement. 1965 The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA): The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was passed on April 9, 1965 s a part of the â€Å"War on Poverty. †It emphasizes equal access to education and establishes high standards and accountability as well as provides federal funds to help low-income students, which results in the initiation of educational programs such as Title I and bilingual education. 965 The Higher Education Act: The Higher Education Act was signed on November 8, 1965 to stre ngthen the educational resources of colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance for students in postsecondary and higher education. It increased federal money given to universities, created scholarships, gave low-interest loans for students, and established a National Teachers Corps. 1965 Project Head Start: The Head Start program started in the summer of 1965 as an eight week summer program for children from low-income communities going into public school in the fall (Styfco and Zigler, 2003).The program provided preschool classes, medical care, dental care, and mental health services (Kagan, 2002). 1975Education for All Handicapped Children Act now known as The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): requires public schools to make available to all eligible children with disabilities a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate to their individual needs and requires public school systems to develop appropriate I ndividualized Education Programs (IEP's) for each child which will reflect the individualized needs of each student. 002 The No Child Left Behind Act: On January 8, 2002, NCLB was signed into law. NCLB supports standards-based education reform based on the premise that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education. The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills. States must give these assessments to all students at select grade levels in order to receive federal school funding. All students are required to meet the standards establish by NCLB at the accountability of educators. 2004 H. R. 350, The Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEA 2004): reauthorizes and modifies IDEA. Changes, which take effect on July 1, 2005, include modifications in the IEP process and procedural safeguards, increased authority for school personnel in special education placement decisions, and alignment of IDEA with the No Child Left Behind Act. The 2004 reauthorization also requires school districts to use the Response to Intervention (RTI) approach as a means for the early identification of students at risk for specific learning disabilities.RTI provides a three-tiered model for screening, monitoring, and providing increasing degrees of intervention using â€Å"research-based instruction†with the overall goal of reducing the need for special education services (Re-authorization, 2004). The history of education has been influenced multiple times over the past years. In some shape, form, or fashion, the many changes have affected many lives, especially those with disabilities.Going from segregation to desegregation, women involvement in education and fighting for equal education of those individuals with disabilities has not only marked historical events but has brought togetherness among all races and genders. Without these historical events in shaping education, the world would be at a stand still. References Dewey, John. 1938 (1963). Experience and Education. New York: Collier Books Kagan, J. (2002). Empowerment and education: Civil rights, expert-advocates, and parent politics in Head Start, 1964-1980.Teachers College Record, 104(3), 516-562. Re-authorization of the IDEA 2004. Retrieved November 5, 2012 from http://www. nj. gov/education/specialed/idea/reauth/ Rippa, Alexander. Education in a Free Society. Eighth Edition. New York: Longman, 1997. 3-107. Print. Styfco, S. , & Zigler, E. (2003). Early Childhood Programs for a New Century. Reynolds, A. , & Wang, M. (Eds. ) The federal commitment to preschool education: Lessons from and for Head Start (pp. 3-33). Washington, D. C. : Child Welfare League of America, Inc.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Response to George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant
Although many people believe that racism has disappeared from our minds after all those solutions of trying to set equal rights in the world’s history, it still exists today, and will probably never vanish from our thinking. Some may clearly express it, whereas others may express racism unnoticeably, even to themselves. George Orwell, in â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†, tells a story of his past when he killed an elephant in order to please the Burmese crowd. At the time, Orwell was a white Indian Imperial Police officer who was disliked by the country's natives due to the fact that he was European. One day, he heard of an elephant's doing of ravaging the town, so he ran to the scene with a rifle. When he finally arrived, he found himself observing a peacefully feeding elephant while a huge crowd of Burmans gathered excitedly to observe his future action. Even though he does not feel it right to shoot the elephant, he has this huge, unavoidable pressure from the Burmese crowd. Eventually, his final decision was to shoot the elephant and satisfy the natives' hunger for excitement. Although the situation must have been difficult from Orwell's perspective, his action of killing the elephant cannot be justified. George Orwell's situation was definitely burdensome, looking from his perspective. He had his beliefs and feelings; yet, he vividly felt the pressure dawning on him as the natives assembled at the scene, eagerly and impatiently waiting for him to simply shoot the elephant. Especially for a person who â€Å"was all for the Burmese and all against their oppressors, the British,†he must have experienced an unbearable moment of making a decision. We all experience such burdensome pressure numerous times, starting from school as a kid. Students have such thing called peer pressure, where you are usually forced to do make a decision of whether or not to follow others' ways. Whether in academic studies, sports, or social life, they always tend to end up following others' beliefs and ways. For instance, peer pressure is the reason why the number of students who smoke since young age is rapidly increasing. However, conforming to others' beliefs and ways means that person is lacking self-confidence and self-respect. In order to survive this world at least a little more joyfully, people must follow their own beliefs and practices as many times as possible. Even though he had his belief about killing the elephant, Orwell purely abandoned the idea of following his way, and concentrated on how to please the natives. Only after he carried out the action did he admit that he â€Å"had done it solely to avoid looking a fool,†meaning he had no self-confidence or self-respect. In fact, by doing so what he decided to do, Orwell became a fool who was too afraid to speak out his belief: that the elephant does not deserve to be killed. As Orwell states, â€Å"he wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it. †Basically, people first hide their belief and conform to others’, then without knowing, they become to be one of them completely, losing their true selves. Following our own moral beliefs does not mean we must be ignorant of all outside beliefs. In other words, ignoring rules while living in a country with differing beliefs and laws is definitely a foolish act. For example, when I lived in Saudi Arabia, the national law forced us to wear black veils – called abbaya – like the local women outside home, and both the law and their belief forbid us to drink any kind of alcohol. Needless to say, we should not be fools as to go against any national laws to end up in prison, but our personal beliefs must still be kept safe. Furthermore, although Orwell faces a difficult situation, where he can either unnecessarily kill the elephant or decide not to, based on his own moral beliefs, he should have realized that he was the powerful one. Orwell explains his situation, â€Å"To come all that way, rifle in hand, with two thousand people marching at my heels, and then to trail feebly away, having done nothing – no, that was impossible. The crowd would laugh at me. And my whole life, every white man’s life in the East, was one long struggle not to be laughed at. But I did not want to shoot the elephant. †It was a situation in which he could not help but act according to the natives’ expectations. Nevertheless, readers must not forget that he was the one in control and power, with the rifle in his hands, and the natives could neither physically harm him nor report that he did the wrong thing. This meant that he really could have protected his moral values, and be ignorant of what others desperately wanted him to do since he believed the action to be wrong. The result of standing up to our own beliefs and practices can mean conflict with others who have different ones. But another consequence is faith in ourselves, self-confidence in our identity and ability to carry out those beliefs. Maintaining these will help us survive our lives more successfully, although probably not easily; on the other hand, if we continue to conform to others’ beliefs, we will come to depend only on others and have no self-respect. Overall, the action of killing the elephant by George Orwell is not justified because, despite his moral belief about not killing the elephant, he went straight against it and shot the elephant, winning the natives’ expectations, and overcoming the boundary between them, but losing his true self and his beliefs.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Internal Control for Outflows: Cash Disbursements and Investments Essay
Cash Disbursements  · Budgeting and Supervision The first step towards any business activity is planning and budgeting. The expenditure that is likely to be incurred for each activity or each department must be estimated and included in a budget for that activity/department. Not only the amount but also the type of expenditure that is applicable to the activity ought to be defined. Once the budget has been formulated and approved by the Board, it must be ensured that the disbursements are used only for those purposes that are defined in the budget. Any expenses outside the budget must require special approval.  · Proper Authorization The person or persons that are entitled to make authorizations for cash disbursements must be determined beforehand, clearly and unambiguously. It will be wise if one individual from the organization, generally the executive director, or the head of each department possesses this right. Other than these people, no other person should be allowed to sanction cash disbursements.  · Segregation of Duties Different persons must be responsible for different duties related to cash disbursements. For instance, there should be a different person authorizing the payments, another one signing the check and another person making the entry in the books of accounts. This will reduce chances of fraud.  · Two Signatories for Larger Checks If the check is for an amount larger than a stipulated one, it should require the signature of two persons, who operate at a higher level in the organization.  · Documentation and Accounting Bills or receipts supporting each cash disbursement must be present. The cash disbursement must be properly entered in the books of accounts by the book keeper or cash manager.  · Periodical Internal Audit An internal audit must be conducted periodically to ensure that all accounts relating to cash are accurate, in compliance with the policies and there are no other discrepancies. Investments  · Investment Policy The organization should have a proper investment policy containing details of the type and quantum of investments it would like to make during a specified period of time, generally a year. Further the policy should also provide particulars as to the financial instruments/products and financial institutions approved for investment purposes.  · Transfer of Money The money involved in the sale and/or purchase of investments must be monitored. Wire transfers should be regulated with an appropriate set of regulations and security measures. Banks should be make aware of these regulations and should be required to provide written notifications of wire transfers as well as other investment transactions.  · Segregation of Duties The persons responsible for approving investments, signing the checks, signing the receipts, supervising the process of investment and documenting the investment must all be different.  · Recording and Documentation The sanction provided, the process followed and other information in relation to the purchase and/or sale of investments should be accurately recorded and documented by the investment manager.  · Periodical Statements Reports and statements must be compiled from time to time, preferably annually containing details about the total investments of the organization, the various forms of investments, their market value, interest rates, maturity dates and other important particulars, if any.  · Periodical Internal Audit An internal audit must be conducted periodically to ensure that all accounts relating to investments are accurate, in compliance with the investment policy and there are no other discrepancies.
Environmental economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Environmental economic - Essay Example The propriety of using the adjusted net savings is evaluated. The paper sets off by stating the need for sustainability measurement and identifying the three most popular sustainability indicators. Thereafter, the discussion focused on its characteristics together with criticisms of the indicator. In the end, a brief discussion with reference to Solo’s and Beckerman’s criticism is included for verification of the indicator’s fitness as the sustainability measuring tool. Before moving further, it will be quite beneficial to first examine the need for such measurement. Current trend on national and global issues places environmental sustainability at the very core (Ollivier & Giruad, 2008). In equating sustainability with wealth and looking at the former from the capitalist’s approach, measurement guides policy maker into the future by being forward-looking (Atkinson). Major decisions are made from intelligent evaluation of trends and gathered statistics. It is important therefore that factors affecting any national or global issues be available in numerical form or visual trends such that decision makers need not labor more to understand the available information. To measure performance or verify the current standing, indicators are used by interested institutions and policy makers. Numerous environment and sustainability indicators were conceived depending on the interest group that conceptualized the measurement tool or data collection method. For sustainability measurement, three aggregate indicators are prominent, The Ecological Footprint (EF) of World-wide Fund (WWF) for Nature International, Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) supported by the World Economic Forum while the Adjusted Net Savings (ANS) also known as Genuine Savings was developed and published by the World Bank (Ollivier & Giruad, 2008). The latter being a product of World Bank is receiving considerable interest and is the subject of this evaluation. The Adjus ted Net Savings is an attempt of the World Bank to measure true savings rate of an economy after factoring in investments from human capital, depletion of natural resources, and damage to the environment as a result from pollution. This indicator is not wholly dependent on environmental indicators but infuses some macroeconomic and social indicator as can be seen in the current equation (Bolt, et al, 2002): ANS = (GNS - Dh + CSE - ? Rn,i - CD) / GNI, where: ANS = Adjusted Net Savings Rate GNS = Gross National Saving Dh = Depreciation of produced capital CSE = Current (non-fixed-capital) expenditure on education Rn,i = Rent from depletion of natural capitali CD = Damages from carbon dioxide emissions GNI = Gross National Income at Market Prices. The above model suggests that sustainable economy is indicated by a positive or at the very least 0 ANS rating. For that to happen, the sum of gross national savings and expenditure on education must exceed the total amount of depreciation an d depletion and damages combined. All these factors are highly dependent on policies supported by an economy. It is highly important therefore to refer to ANS in evaluating or assessing the policies maintained with respect to sustainability as they indicate performance or direction to which an economy must thread on. As previously mentioned, it is advantageous to use ANS because of measurability.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Employment Law in UK Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Employment Law in UK - Case Study Example Since, the European law prevails over the domestic law, the domestic courts and tribunals have to apply relevant principles of the European law, which in this context refers to the EC Treaty and directives2. Sometimes, a court or tribunal directly applies the European law and sometimes, where there seems to be a conflict between domestic and European law, the European Court of Justice or the ECJ is asked to decide on the correct interpretation of the law. The ECJ's objective is to ensure the uniform interpretation and effective application of European law. In case of a conflict between domestic legislation and European law, an important consideration is whether the law concerned has direct effect in the UK. Article 141 of the EC Treaty3 has direct effect between private citizens or the horizontal effect and between private citizens and the state or the vertical effect. As per the provisions of the European Communities Act 1972, the European Community law forms part of UK domestic law. ... In respect of appellant claims, Section 2(4) of the 1970 Act is relevant and in order to be admissible in an employment tribunal, these claims have to be filed within the statutory time limit. In such cases the employment tribunal is empowered to grant a successful applicant the right to retrospective access to the scheme, subject to the payment of appropriate contributions, wherever the periods of employment were not earlier than the 8th of April 1976. The significance of this date is that from this date direct effect was given to the judgment of the European Court of Justice in Defrenne v Sabena6 and in this case the court held that article 119 of the EC Treaty7 provided for equal treatment in the right to join an occupational pension scheme. In Alabaster -v- Barclays Bank Plc8 Mrs. Alabaster pleaded that her employer's failure to incorporate her pay rise into her SMP was contrary to the Equal Pay Act 1970 and Article 141 of the EC Treaty. The ECJ ruled in her favour and held that there was a breach of EU law, resulting in the UK Government amending the SMP rules. The Employment Appeal Tribunal or EAT has ruled that the Equal Pay Act 1970 is not infringed by a pay system wherein employees with more service and experience were paid more than those with lesser service and experience even though most of the latter are female and most of the former are male. The argument that the ECJ decision in Nimz v Frie und Hansestadt Hamburg9 is not good law because of Handels- og Kontorfunktionrernes Forbund I Danmark v Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening10, is untenable, because the first case was concerned with part time employees whereas the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Nutrition Recommendation of a Caregiver to the Patient Assignment
Nutrition Recommendation of a Caregiver to the Patient - Assignment Example The assignment "Nutrition Recommendation of a Caregiver to the Patient" presents the overview of the responsibilities of a caregiver and how he can provide total attention to the patient. There should be a friendly rapport between the two parties, the patient and the caregiver for the best results towards nutrition process from the patient. The caregiver should dictate the feeding program. Legume foods, fish or poultry, are also good for the patient, and, therefore, the caregiver has to include in the nutrition schedule. Fruits should come either before or after every meal under ordinary circumstances. Above it all, the caregiver should provide enough water for every meal because water is obviously a solvent to every ingested food. The patient to have a recommendation of five or more cups of water from the caregiver to maximize digestion. In boosting appetite for food, the caregiver should introduce the patient to the multivitamin injections or drugs canceling. These drugs give the patient a self-drive towards meals. It is necessary for the caregiver to involve the patient in a daily less strenuous exercise to enhance digestion and also vitamin D synthesis. Let the patient’s weight records be taken progressively through the nutritional period to gauge the health standards of the patient. The caregiver should also encourage the patient to get involved in reading journals to avoid stress. Let the patient consider her health status. The entire family has to be informed about the necessity of frequent medical consultation.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Critical Thinking - Model 3 - Case - Deductive and Inductive Argumens Coursework
Critical Thinking - Model 3 - Case - Deductive and Inductive Argumens - Coursework Example This is the characteristic of most research activities involving scientific studies. In deductive reasoning, the approach to the conclusion always follows a top to bottom manner (Asheim, 47). This follows that the researcher or investigator always commences with the general hypothesis and narrows down to a specific one in his or her conclusion (Winch, 35). In relation to this, it is of crucial significance to note that the case of Edward depicts a form of deductive reasoning. This follows that Edward first starts by general notion and narrows down to a specific notion in order to substantiate his claims. He points out that all nurses always like to draw blood from the patients. Thus, being one of them, the same applies. This is a form of deductive reasoning. As a response, it is necessary for Edward to understand that making conclusions based on unsupported generalized claims is not appropriate. In this manner, it is important to note that nurses differ in their medical practices as well as decisions. Therefore, the decision taken by one nurse should not necessarily be the one that all nurses must follow. This is important in making Edward understand that there is no solid evidence to justify his claims. Thus, it will be in order for Edward to understand that it is not a must that any nurse must follow or copy what others always do. T his will be important in making Edward refrain from making conclusions following unsubstantiated
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Media Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Media Analysis - Essay Example When presenting an advertisement, there are usually a set of rules meant to govern what and what not to be included in the advertisement. The rules are there to keep the advertisement from being â€Å"bad†. An advertisement should not encourage any vices, should not be racist, and should not promote violence and so on. To ensure that this does not happen, there are media ethics that are there to be followed (Ward 6). Media ethics are a set of rule expected to be followed by journalist, should be based on ethics of universal being (Ward 6). They should be keen on the well being of the human being. Without the ethical foundation, relativism undermines the conception of the right and makes our practices unreasonable. In the case of advertising, there might be a difference in understanding, and judging an advertisement because of several things; it might be the environment one has been brought up in, it might be a difference in age, level of education, and so on. In this paper, I intend to break down two cigarette advertisements and show the significance of my findings. I will also discuss the appeals used and whether they are ethical or not. In the first advertisement, the chesterfield cigarette commercial, there is the use of animation and humor. A King intends to knight a loyal subject if he can confess that the chesterfield king is the best. The loyal subject seems desperate to be knighted that even if he does not know much about the king of chesterfield, he does not admit it. He is helped by the king’s advisor and impresses the king. The king’s advisor warns the king to use his flat side of the sword to avoid what happened the last time. As the advisor warns the king, he mimics the cutting of a throat. As the king, knights the loyal subject, he swings his sword powerfully and chops o ff the loyal subject’s head. In the advertisement, the king represents the cigarette, the loyal subject represents the smoker, and the advisor represents the luring of the smoker to smoking. The smoker seeks the pleasure of the cigarette when he goes to be knighted; the king who is the cigarette gives the pleasure but eventually kills the smoker. In the advertisement, there is more concentration on the good side of smoking (knighted) than the bad side. It is not clear whether the loyal subject is the killed. Smoking is well known all over the world as unhealthy, despite that people still smoke. In the second advertisement, Flintstones for Winston cigarette there is the use of animation and an immensely popular cartoon character (Fred Flintstone). He is then brought out as a loyal customer of the Winston cigarette. The seller of the cigarette still goes into details about the uniqueness of the cigarette despite Fred Flintstone being familiar to the cigarette. He puts the cigarette on Fred’s mouth and calls it practice. The cigarette is portrayed as a sweet cigarette with a good length, making it better than the rest of the cigarettes. Unlike the chesterfield advertisement, this advertisement concentrates solely on the goodness of the cigarette. Analysis of the two advertisements In the chesterfield cigarette advertisement, it is significant to note the use of animation on the advertisement. Although the advertisement has tried to portray the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Business Ethics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business Ethics - Term Paper Example Business Ethics The other pressure that is involved is the fact that Doug had stated that the last person who had tried to raise the issue was sacked because of asking about the issue. That means that the job may be at risk and it could be lost if the management is not accommodative enough. In this situation, the questions that I would ask myself include the following, if there is an ethical issue at hand. The ethical issue that is under consideration is the fact that the bikes will not be effective and that may lead to loss of lives and other bad outcomes. The other thing I would do is to establish the key principles and values that are involved in the issue. The issues that are involved include the fact that the bike will be ineffective after 4 hours of usage. That can be checked to ensure that is a fact. The other thing would be to rank ethical principles that are relevant in the dilemma. The issues that can be ranked include the company’s profitability against the value of people’s lives. The other step would be to prepare an action plan that should be in line with the ethical principles. The action plan will be to suggest that the bikes be improved or totally scrapped off to ensure the safety of the users. After that, I would implement my plan laid down. I would not recommend that the company pays the special $5,000 for the pedal to be placed on shelves of shops. That is not legal and ethical. Every product should be placed on shelves at the will of the buyer but the shop owners should not demand a price for putting the products on the shelves. That may be viewed, as a bribe and it would not be ethical. The considerations that can be put in place are the reasons that are behind the payment of the special fee. Green Move Company should not apply the cost/benefit analysis on the safety of the product. The costs may be more adverse and also the life of a person is not something to gamble with and it should be the first consideration while the rest come last. The risks that are involved include the company being sued for more money in case there is a loss that occurs and it becomes associated with the manufacture of the zero pedals. The other risk is the fact that the company may lose its reputation and that will be a risk factor because that will imply that the products that the company will sell in the future may not be considered by the customers. Question B Every organization should be a different entity from the affiliate companies and the owners. The owner of a company cannot be judged because of something that may have happened in his or her company. That also applies to the companies that are associated with a supply chain. A supply chain will involve wholesalers and retailers. All the businesses that are found in the supply chain are independent not unless they are owned by the same company. That means that each company transacts its businesses independent of any other business. In the case of the agreement between Green move and solar group, the agreement is not legally binding. The agreement is one that interferes with the internal affairs of another company and that means that the independence of the other company is interfered with. Anything that happens in another company can not affect
Friday, August 23, 2019
The role of supply chain management in tourism Research Paper
The role of supply chain management in tourism - Research Paper Example According to Zhang, Song and Huang, tourism supply chain management is â€Å"a set of approaches utilized to efficiently manage the operations of the tourism supply chain within a specific tourism destination, to meet tourist needs from the targeted source markets and accomplish the business objectives of different enterprises within the TSC†(p.345). In other words, supply chain management in tourism is essentially about coordinating the efforts of numerous providers within one and the same package of services, targeting one specific consumer market segment. A supply chain presupposes having a number of product and service providers enter in and sustain contractual relationships with one another. Consequentially, how each organization performs largely depends upon the quality and efficiency of performance among other organizations in the same supply chain. Over the last decade, supply chain management has already become a distinctive feature of business activity in tourism: this is mainly because tourism by itself operates through a complex combination of activities, interests, resources, and stakeholders all of which must be coordinated and functionally linked into a single supply chain. Certainly, the essence of SCM in tourism is distinctly different from that in manufacturing. While in manufacturing consumption usually follows production, in tourism production and consumption are almost always simultaneous. (Harewood 2008). Moreover, bearing in mind that tourism is neither tangible nor physical, supply chain management in tourism is essentially about coordinating various services from different suppliers at every single point of the tourism supply chain (Harewood 2008). It goes without saying that the nature and complexity of supply chains vary across tourism industries. Hotels, restaurants, and theme parks rely on different standards and principles of SCM. Nonetheless, whatever the industry, SCM is always a value-added activity that makes tourism providers more competitive and strengthens their position in the market. Supply chain effects on hotels Hotels are probably the basic and most influential ingredients in contemporary tourism industry. Much has been written and said about hotel operations and their implications for the development of the entire tourism industry. In its current state, the hotel sector of the global tourism industry comprises the features of rapid development and consumer-focused approaches to business. In this context, supply chains have a potential to enhance the quality and efficiency of hotel services supply and ensure that even the most sophisticated demands of consumers are consistently met. Supply chains are integrally linked to the quality and nature of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The most significant factors that contributed society Essay Example for Free
The most significant factors that contributed society Essay A.One of the most significant that contributed to the expansion of the United States was the California Gold Rush that started in 1848. In 1848, word of a bounty of gold to be found in California caught the attention of many easterners. They had dreams of becoming rich. So in the year 1849, many men left their families and homes for the California wilds to make their fortune. They figured that a year away from home was worth the riches they would return with. These men were referred to as â€Å"forty-niners†as they left in the year 1849. As hundreds of gold seekers flooded California, the gold eventually ran out. Thousands of people made the journey west for gold. Many stayed seeing the potential of the new western land. This also gave way to farming the fertile land of California. Farmers came and stayed to sustain the new population and eventual state. This helped make the state what it is today. It is still a place where thousands of people live trying to eek out a living or become rich. see more:among the historical changes that stimulated the development of sociology as a discipline was Another contributor to the expansion of the United States was the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889. In one day the city of Guthrie exploded into a population of ten thousand residents. The government opened land in the state as a first come first served basis. People lined up to stake their claim on land at the border. At 12 noon, the barriers were lifted and one of the most chaotic events in history unfolded. Hundreds of people on foot, wagon and horseback bolted for their unclaimed property. Within hours, almost all of the plotted out townships were taken. This expansion contributed greatly to the population moving west and economically gave a boost to the new â€Å"frontier†. It was one of the biggest and fastest western moves in history. B.Mesopotamia was one of the most significant factors that contributed to the development of society today. Mesopotamians were a highly intelligent people. Their society revolved around a temple with a priest acting on behalf of their God. Later these priests were more like kings but still were considered a mouthpiece for God. The Mesopotamians wrote down all of their laws on tablets. No one, not even the king, was above the law. This way of governing trickled down through societies to today. The metal workers developed a way of using furnaces to heat their metal works to make them stronger. This act of smelting was passed throughout other areas and countries. Smelting made the metal much stronger. The land of Mesopotamia was fertile. The location of the two rivers led to irrigation of farmland, while the hospitable climate made farming an easy prospect. This led the people to change from hunters and gatherers to a more sophisticated society rather quickly. This leads me to believ e that agriculture was the most significant factor in the development of their society as a whole. The Mesopotamians began to export their goods they invented. Axes for war and building, pottery wheels, and glass are just a few of the exported goods. They were thought to have also invented the wheel. The wheel made everyday life so much easier for their people and others as this invention was spread around. The use of a divided day and night into two 12 hour blocks was made by the Mesopotamioans to make trade easier with other cities. They then divided their weeks into seven days. The Jewish people then made this seven day calendar into Sundays as a day of rest and worship which then morphed into our modern day weekend. Currency was also developed by the Mesopotamians to make trade easier. The worth of a cow, pottery and a slave, was all written down to make trade fare. Mesopotamia contribute to many economic cultures by starting this way of fare trade. Mesopotamia and Egypt used cultural exchange through war, trade and migration to diffuse their two cultures. With these two rivers of Tigris and Euphrates so easily accessable for both cultures, trade was easily obtained while workers were needed to help with the progression of cultural advancement. Trade and warfare were huge factors in diffusion of these two cultures. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt began to depend on the other for various trades of produce, animals, products, and people. References The Oregon Trail, 2011, Boettcher/Trinklein Inc., The Rush to Oklahoma, 1889 Harpers Weekly, William Willard Howard, Walker, Ann-Marie, The California Gold Rush Led to Development and Expansion of the United States, August 2011, Annenberg Learner, Video on Demand, The Western Tradition, Mesopotamia, Guisepi, Robert, Egypt and Mesopotamia Compared, The Origins of Civilizations,
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
HR information system Essay Example for Free
HR information system Essay Human resource Management is a fundamental part of an organization. The use of technology for the advancement of human resource management has risen extensively from the last decade. In today’s organizations technology greatly influences the managerial processes and techniques in the human resources department. Information Technology has proven itself useful in every area of human life. It is become essential for organizations around the world to use advanced technology in departments of development, maintenance recruitment and various others. The large range of applications provided by IT have become indispensable for any operation and have proven themselves a quality improving and time saving necessity for the organizations desiring development and success. In the human resources management, technology is not only responsible for bringing positive changes but it has also brought a number of issues and challenges for organizations. The most major challenge that a company faces in the process of adopting and implementing these technologies is the restructuring of the HR modules. It is important for the effective functioning of the technologies to be aligned with the HR functions. The creation of a correct management atmosphere is important for the existence of successful and authentic organizations. The research encompasses the challenges and issues that come in the path of organizations while implying IT techniques on HR functions. Research Question How does the implementation of IT effect the human resource management and what advantages or disadvantages an organization faces when applying programs such as SAP? Aim The aim of this research is to determine the use of information systems in order to integrate Information Technology in Human Resource functions and also to outline the role of software programs namely SAP in human resource management and how it is effective in accomplishing this merger between technology and various Human Resource areas. Objectives to Achieve the Aim 1. To outline the importance of introducing Information Technology in Human Resources. 2. To discuss how Information Technology affects the progress of human resource management. 3. To describe the role that SAP plays in implementing technology in human Resources. 4. To explain the processes by which SAP software influences the Human Resource functions of an organization. 5. To determine what are the aspects which ensure the success of the implementation of Information Technology techniques in Human Resource Management. 6. To review the benefits and drawbacks that comes with the introduction of information systems in human resources. 7. To determine the functions of Information Technology within an organization. 8. To identify the nature of challenges and problems that can come in consequence of applying Information Technology techniques across Human resource functions. 9. To study how by the help of several techniques and methods Human Resources can evade these issues and challenges . 10. To summarize how effective is a merger between human resource and information technology to an organization’s development. Background of Research The research is based on the fact that how much advanced technology has become an important part of the business world in modern times. It is not possible for organizations to function properly in any department without the assistance of Information Technology and the tools it provides. Manual methods of management processes and transactions in firms are fast dying and being replaced by faster and surer methods of achieving various tasks that are required to be done. The old techniques cannot compete in today’s fast paced world and every institute should be ready to make the reforms and accept the changes that are brought upon their implementations. They need to hire employees who are efficient in technological operations or familiar with the advanced equipment and take assistance from IT related training courses like SAP to make their employees aware of the advancements made in the processes of managing every aspect in a company and making them proficient in bringing those methods in their practice to improve the company’s standards and boost its growth. Organizations which do not take advantage from this wave of technology and do not learn to balance on it are sure to be submerged in the growing rate of the use of technology. The Human Resource department has also not lagged behind in this technological advancement marathon. Most organizations have been using one form or other of Human Resource information system over the last decade. In a research conducted in 2002 it has been found that seventy percent of the organizations in Europe use Internet or Intranet to provide Human Resource services to employees. Surveys done in the United Kingdom alone in 2005 by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development revealed that seventy seven percent of companies use HRIS. In a similar research done by Cranfield School of Management in 2003 it found out an even higher number of companies, at eighty two percent, that use HRIS. A human resource information system is able to give various performances ranging from the simple storage of data and communication of information to the entangled process of transactions. With the advancement of technology the functions provided by HRIS have increased and enhanced. HRIS is designed and improved to be beneficial to the functions of Human Resources, line managers, and the entire organization on the whole. If an overall study is done without bias the use of Information Technology has more advantages than problems. It has brought speed, accuracy, efficiency and fewer chances of downfalls in company processes and most importantly has brought a decrease in HR costs. It has also made possible to make Human Resource information available to managers and employees, enabling them to perform uncomplicated human Resource tasks themselves. The implementation of HRIS in order to cut down the cost rates of a company to lessen the burden of transaction and administration on Human Resource functions can lead to a modification in the constitution of HR and allow the function to also play an strategic part in the company. There can be various reasons due to which a company introduces HRIS to influence its functions such as the need to bring improvement to company processes or reduce cost to bring developments in communication and the growth of customer services. Rationale of the research This research has been done to outline in detail to show how the advancement of technology has affected Human Resources. It has raised standards of recruitment, training, data storage and retrieval and performance management. Before the HR recruiting teams had to rely on the print material, namely newspapers, to post ads about jobs get applicants for positions that need to be filled. More methods like networking were also used but that prevented the human resource recruiters to post jobs on a number of locations and also there was no method to make the ads visible to millions of people. Technology has made the method of recruitment more effectual and makes a much greater impact on HR than the old techniques. Training methods have also improved due to technology. In the past years there was were no ways to come in contact of company information and training programs from far way locations. The training of HR workers in virtual classrooms enables trainers to train larger numbers of people than before. Data storage and retrieval has also had a positive effect by the technological advances. The virtual files are more easily accessible and flexible in matters of changing data according to the wish of the HR professionals. It has become easy to monitor the performance of employees and also to receive feedback from the employees for the progress of the organization. Literature Review Emma Parry (2010) determines in the Benefits of technology in Human Resources Management that the use of technology has grown considerably in the last few years in the Human Resource department. She enhances how the capabilities and performances in the Human resource have gown because of the introduction of HRIM. It leads to take Human resource management to a whole new level. It allows it to emerge with a strategic role after the implementation of HRIM. Johnson and Gueuta (2011) states in Transforming HR through Technology that human resources is becoming a more technology based pr0ofession over the years. In most companies people think of Human Resources department more as a portal than a person. According to the recent researches it has been determined that companies who properly use the technologies provided by Human Resources are far successful and advanced than the ones who don’t. Julie Bulmash (2012) describes Human Resource technology has advanced over the past decade and discusses the importance of technology on the role of human Resource professionals. And how do they make the function of Human Resources much more efficient, smooth and speedy. Methodology: Methodology refers to the methods of collecting data that have been used in the research. Here it will be briefly explained what kind of data collecting methods have been applied and the reason behind choosing that type of method. This research will be using the qualitative research methods for the collection of data. Data collection Methods To employ the qualitative research approach the questionnaire method of data collection has been chosen. A questionnaire has been created in that method in order to collect data by providing the employee with a questionnaire and he\she are asked to answer the questions given. The questions can be multiple choices or open ended questions. They decide how exactly the analysis of job can be done. This approach is quite effective because people would carefully to put anything in writing without thinking. A questionnaire was given to the employees to determine their opinions on various topics such as Information Technology, hospitality, finance, manufacturing, retail, and defense. The feedback gave a clear view on which areas need to be worked on. Based upon it and a theoretical comprehension of the field of Human resources it became easier to point out the problems that should be discussed on the research and which haven’t been brought to light before. Qualitative research This method of research is a primary source of research. It is exploratory and is used in order to achieve comprehension of fundamental reasons, motivations and opinions. It gives insight to assess the nature of the problem or assist in building of ideas or hypothesis for the secondary research process or quantitative research method. Qualitative research is used also for uncovering of inclinations people’s thoughts or opinions and ponder harder to get to the root of a problem by that. The methods for qualitative data collecting vary according to the form of techniques used. Whether they are structured or non structured. Conceptual Framework Human resources technology has evolved from the use of paper work and pencil to computers electronic databases and human resource information systems. Internet based technology has played an important role in enabling HR to decrease transactional activities and focus more on playing a strategic role in organizations. The main areas that HRIS system works on are recruitment, employee administration, pension administration, health and safety, data collecting, saving and organizing, compensation and benefits administration, management of the company, employment equity and payroll interface. The functions of HRIS are to create and organize records of employees, reporting of work performances, Hr planning and forecasting, and management of talent, strategic alignment and development of decision power. The role of HR workers has also changed considerably according to advancement of technology. The acquire proficiency now in Human resource technology and its delivery, personal credibility, and vast business knowledge. Current technology will continue to bring advancements in HR performances and will continue to focus on the value that HR brings to an organization. Conclusion The human resource sector has made numerous advances due to technology in the past era and will continue to do so with the changes that are brought by the constant upheaval in the IT world of making things more effective and fast than before. HRIS has made various areas of HR extremely accessible and successful in accordance to the fast paced world of today. The methods of recruiting employees, managerial organization, data storage, training of professionals and more areas have undergone major changes due to the integration of Information Technology in the world of Human Resources. If these changes haven’t been employed and training programs hadn’t been designed to create technological awareness and familiarity it would’ve been a big setback to organizations. It has risen the standards of professionals working in human resources and the organizations have been able to get productivity, creativity, innovation and progress in finances on a whole new level. HR technology is still going through this evolution of technology as they must use newer and refined methods of generating an organization’s human capital. Human resources would need to continue adopting the latest technological trends in order to keep up with advancements and provide more efficient functions. It will need to use technology to redefine their areas in which they work to derive more productivity. The increment in the usage of portals and intranets and other virtual tools will bring a more great impact on Human resource performance in the near future. Bibliography Storey, J. (Ed.). (2007). Human resource management: A critical text. Cengage Learning EMEA. Ulrich, D. (2013). Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Harvard Business Press. Bohlander, G., Snell, S. (2006). Managing human resources. Cengage Learning. Lawler, E. E., Mohrman, S. A. (2003). HR as a strategic partner: what does it take to make it happen?. Human Resource Planning, 26(3), 15-29. Varian, H. R., Farrell, J. V. (2004). The economics of information technology: An introduction. Cambridge University Press. Goo, J., Kishore, R., Rao, H. R., Nam, K. (2009). The Role of Service Level Agreements in Relational Management of Information Technology Outsourcing: An Empirical Study. Mis Quarterly, 33(1).
Factors in Financing Public Education
Factors in Financing Public Education Introduction to Public Education Public Education is about the development of each child as an individual and their abilities to benefit our societies. Colleges and universities are critical social enterprises that have operated largely unchanged for centuries. In recent years, however, the traditional models of higher education have struggled to respond to the demands of new consumer groups, rapidly evolving demands of existing stakeholders, and emerging technologies that fundamentally change historic assumptions about how, when, why and what people learn (Public Administration Review, 2015). Public Education in the United States means a free education for all students, which holds importance to families who are underprivileged but still deserve the right to education regardless of their religion, race or abilities. Education holds importance as our nation has strengthened because of what people know and can do. Public education has provided opportunity for advancement and made an economic difference for individual s, as The United States is a world leader in high school completion Eighty-seven percent of eighteen to twenty four year olds have completed high school (American Imperative, 2006). So, public education is a worthy investment for state government, with immense social and economic benefits. However, there still remains a high and low end of annual expenditures of counties within the states on education, as it is never equal. Improving education outcomes has been shown through studies to result in national saving of about seven billion dollars in public assistance, food stamps, and housing assistance. These are just a few examples of what the governments funds towards education can help reduce the funds needed in other areas. Also, with improved education society benefits when citizens are employed with higher earnings as it gives the government the ability to collect greater tax revenue. All of these factors contribute to why education holds importance for citizens as well as our gov ernment, but the lack of financial support is the issue of importance. Most believe the federal budget is of more importance to our government than the education of citizens, which is the only way we get knowledgeable citizens to run our government. Supporting Factor of Finances Spent on Public Education Nearly half of the K-12 education funding in the United States is intended to come from the states, drawn from a combination of income taxes, fees, and other taxes. This is why the public finances contribute to education, because without these funds the educational systems of each state would fail to exist. As an overall share of the total federal budget, federal spending on elementary and secondary education programs through the U.S. Department of Education account for less than three percent of the total federal budget. In the annual appropriations process, elementary and secondary education funding accounts for about five percent of discretionary funding across all federal programs. Early school funding litigation efforts generally focused on education equity, which sought the same level of per-pupil funding for every student in the state. Since the late 1980s, litigation has focused more on education adequacy, which seeks funding levels necessary to ensure that every student rece ives an adequate education. Defining what constitutes an adequate education as well as what resources are necessary to provide that level of education, have been central questions in the litigation (School Finance). For the past several years, we have been living through the most severe recession since the Great Depression, which has affected public education, not just through cuts to core programs, but through job losses that destabilize students families, cuts to other critical services that the communities depend on, and stress that pulls at the social fabric that unites us. Public Education is a public responsibility and must be a public trust. As used here, the term public education means education that is publicly financed, tuition- free, accountable to public authorities, and accessible to all students. It covers various types of public schools, including traditional schools, charter and magnet schools, vocational schools, and alternative schools. During the 1960s and 70s, th e federal government enacted a series of laws aimed at improving education for poor children, migrant children, students with disabilities, Native Americans, limited-English proficient children, and women and girls. These laws brought additional funding to public schools, along with new requirements to meet the special needs of particular groups of students. In recent years, the emphasis of state and federal reforms has shifted to improving public education for allstudents. The No Child Left Behind Act requires public schools to steadily raise achievement and to close the test score gaps that exist for minority, poor, and special needs students until one hundred percent of United States students are performing at the same high level. Schools that fall short of these goals must undergo a series of interventions. In summary, the growth of public education during the past two centuries has been fueled by high ideals about advancing the common good, but the realities of public schools h ave sometimes failed to live up to these ideals (Kober, 2007). Most taxpayers provide this subsidy because public education in their eyes is crucial to forming the public good. It prevents poverty as well as decreases the crime rate, and prepares young people for the work force, and fosters social mobility. The United States has changed dramatically since the early debates on the role of public schools and the role of the federal government in supporting and sustaining them. The importance of education for the common good has shifted from primarily local control to state and national control, with national attention from the Federal government and national organizations. Studies have shown that twenty five percent of most state budgets contribute to educational funding (Jenkins and Hill, 2011). States are one of the main funders of the nations public elementary and secondary schools, which provide grants to local school districts where entities are responsible for administering scho ols. However, the federal government provides only about ten percent of public school revenues. Although the funding numbers have increased, there is still a lack of federal dollars relating to the opposing factors. Opposing Factors of Finances Spent on Public Education Americans spend more to educate their children than the citizens of most other countries; in fact, only Norway spends more per capita on education. Yet when it comes to student performance, the United States ranks no better than average, resting directly in the middle of the pack of developed nations. Rising government debts and lack of improved student performance have led some to call for cutbacks in school funding. In recent years, skyrocketing state and federal debt levels have led some politicians to support cuts in the educational budget. Conservative politicians have vowed to eliminate the Department of Education ever since its creation, arguing that schooling is an issue for states and local governments to handle, and that tax dollars could be better spent elsewhere. Another strategy aimed at reducing government spending is the restriction of public employee union rights, particularly those of teachers unions. In 2011, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker introduced a bill that so ught to eliminate the right of teachers and other public employees to collectively bargain for their salary and benefits. This was presented as a way to reduce state costs and to help close the budget gap. Critics of the current public school system have argued that, despite massive education spending in recent decades, public schools are doing a progressively worse job of educating American children. For example, Washington, DC, boasts one of the highest per-student school funding rates, yet scores below average on student performance. Public school advocates point out that much of the current spending in the public school system goes toward administrative costs; if the federal and state governments reduced the number of regulations and policies that school districts are forced to follow, they assert, the money saved could be spent on improving the teacher-to-student ratio and purchasing necessary classroom supplies such as textbooks-areas proven to directly impact student performa nce (Gale, 2015). Assessment of Supporting and Opposing Sides of Public Education Funding In my research, I found that both of the supporting and opposing sides have arguable factors to their belief in whether or not public financing through the government is relevant and helpful in education. I believe that while both sides do show factual proof of evidence, I agree that finances should be used in the budgeting process of the government and states for education. Each citizen should be given full advantage of an education to broaden their future regardless of their financial situation. As the schooling systems receive funds, this allows an opportunity for supplies as well as facilities to be created and purchased to hold schooling and educational opportunities. The supporting and opposing factors are a result in the expenditures of tax dollars and revenues, which creates the combustion between the two parties. While it is hard to provide whether one argument trumps another, I feel that the supporting factors of government spending on education are pertinent to myself. Pub lic education specifically relates to myself because if it were not for the opportunity to receive a free education through my local government, my parents would not have obtained the ability to send me to receive a higher education; college. Also, in the supporting factors is stated the factual evidence that education improves the communities as well as lowers things such as crime rates which is of importance to our common wealth and good. The federal and state debt levels have led to politicians deceiving beliefs in education as well as their support in reducing the federal budget for them. This has led to controversy about whether the issue should be left to state and local or federal government when it comes to the financial standpoint. If education is what entails a citizen being equipped for their desired field, then I do not see why limiting the money for a skill needed for employment would even be an option. If the federal government is limited in the education department, t hen that includes the omission of federal student loans to only private loans. Federal government has to rebuild their education funding. Conclusion As the federal debt is increasing, I agree that the federal government has to budget accordingly in the educational department. In suggestion, federal loans for education should be limited, which would reduce the amount of college debt in America, which has recently exceeded the amount borrowed on credit cards. As there is much insight to what should occur in the governments action, opinions of citizens persist. It is made clear in the arguments that government funds are needed in order for education to occur as the state funding and grants are not enough. Education is important for all citizens because even the intelligent kids should be given the opportunity to receive a diploma in order to share their ideas in corporations or even a government position in their future. As there is the opposing factor that although all these funds poor into the school systems of lower level income areas, the testing scores still remain low which cause confrontation between the supporting and opposi ng parties. This occurs in every school system, as there are students with lower motivation in private schooling where their education is paid for by their parents and not the government. Government funds are also used to provide an income for what I think is one of the most important occupations in the United States, which is the career of teaching. Teachers often use their own funds to provide school materials, or to make the classroom environment more collaborative and energetic for students, but they are argued against as some citizens think they should no receive pay. While much of a schools budget is believed to be spent on the administration, there are other things that play into the factor of finances such as the cost of a new gymnasium facility to keep the students healthy, art room and supplies to allow creativity, books for the knowledge and development of the brain, as well as a playground for the enjoyment of being a kid. A parent with three children and a $20,000 salar y per year should not have to fight for their child a free education just because of their circumstances. I believe that government should require the local and state governments to pour their tax dollars into an education because it overall creates a better place. Public Finance plays into the issue because the collection of taxes is used for the public good in which this case, the public educate is the good. I am in support of government financial support in funding education, and firmly believe that it distributes good to our society through its outcome. References (2016, September 26). Speak Your Mind: Challenges Facing Higher Education. Retrieved March 08, 2017, from (2006, April 27). An American imperative: Public education. Retrieved March 06, 2017, from School Finance. (n.d.). Retrieved March 06, 2017, from Kober, N. (2007). Why We Still Need Public Schools. Retrieved from Jenkins, C. J., Hill, M. H. (2011). Role Of Federal Government In Public Education: Historical Perspectives. Retrieved March 06, 2017, from Gale (2015). School Funding. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Accessed 6, Mar. 2017. Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints in Context,
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Psychology of Attraction: Why We Like Who We Like Essay -- The Sci
"Attraction: 1.n. the power or act of attracting; 2.a desirable or pleasant quality or thing" (Merriam-Webster, 2015). Taken directly from Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, this definition states in clear, scientific terms what attraction is. However, as every human knows, the power of attraction goes far beyond this cut and dried statement, reaching deep into our psyche, as well into our past. In this paper, the processes of attraction, its evolutionary roots and modern day implications are studied, in an attempt to answer the question "what causes us to be attracted to someone"? Discussion In the search for an answer, one must begin at the beginning- that is, at the beginning of the human race. At this time, life was merely the pursuit of survival and reproduction. Humans, like all other animals, struggled in competition for mates with the best genetic quality to pass on to their offspring. Females selected males that were healthy and strong, who could defend them and their young and who could provide food and shelter. Males sought out as many young, fertile women with whom to mate and pass on their genes as possible. Prehistoric man had no way of knowing whether or not a potential mate was in good health, so he learned to rely on cues embedded deep in recesses of his brain. Such preferences developed universally because these attributes provided signals as to the quality of genes, health or fertility of a mate. Over time, the people who had such preferences (and acted on them by mating with people possessing these attributes) left more surviving children. Three theories as to why these characteristics evolved as important signals exist. The first theory, the Runaway Selection model, credited to British ge... ... Cowley, Geofery and Karen Spriger (6/03/2012). "The Biology of Beauty" Newsweek, Vol. 127, Issue 23, p. 60- 65 Diamond, Jared (12/2012). "The Best Ways to Sell Sex" Discover, , Vol.17, Issue 12, p. 78- 93 Hotenski, Roberta (07/05/2014). "Playing the Mating Game" US News and World Report, Vol. 127, Issue 1, p. 56 Kalick et. al (02/07/2011), "Blinded By Beauty" Science News, Vol. 153, Issue 6, p.91 Merriam-Webster's Dictionary (2015), An Encyclopedia Britannica Company Mestel, Rosie (Nov/Dec 2014). "What's So Great About 36- 24- 66?" Health, Vol.13, Issue 9, p. 84-87 Morris, Charles G. and Albert A. Maisto (2014), Psychology, an Introduction (10th Edition), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, p.584- 586 Turner, Stuart (06- July-2014). "Physical Attractiveness Primer" Internet Source. (
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Rough Sea :: Creative Writing Sailing Essays
The Rough Sea The small whitecaps lapped against the starboard side and then retreated. It had been rough since the start and would be until they reached the breakwater in the harbor. Bob, finishing pulling on the ropes to raise the masts, turned towards the wheel and slowly turned around the rocks. He moved to the back of the boat and sat on the place where the lifejackets were kept. Near the masts Frank rocked up and down and up with the waves. It was a feeling like no other to him; the fact that the gentle movements could turn rough at any time gave him so much pleasure from the start of the ride to the finish. He loved to sail out as far as he could go before he got tired from the rocking motion and had to stop going farther. He loved trying to venture farther and farther out each time before he had to turn back; his favorite part was the rough sea where the waves were rougher and rougher as he kept going. A sudden gust made him think about turning back, but he knew that they had gone too far to turn back, and he knew he had to keep going until the waves had reached their peaks. Then they passed a part of the water where the waves suddenly stopped and quickly gave way to a very calm feeling inside of him so that he could relax and recollect the ride so far º. "That was a real surprise, wasn't it, Rob?" Frank said. "It got me, too. I wasn't ready for it, and it jumped me." "Yep. Almost fell over when we hit it," Bob called back to his friend, now near the bow of the boat. "How's the water look over there?" "Pretty good, but it looks like there're some rough caps ahead." They braced themselves as they passed over the rough caps, slowly moving around the biggest ones so that the craft wouldn't capsize. Bob kept a strong hold on the wheel and made sure that they would stand the waves. On the horizon they could see the buildings of the town. The sky had started to get dark. Both of them hoped it would not start to rain until they were in the harbor. They could see the light starting to come from the breakwater lighthouse. "Great day for sailing," Bob said to Frank.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Farm Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
The Farm In the summer, the creek bubbles and the leaves are in bloom. In the winter that same creek is frozen and everything around it is blank and barren. The memories for me in this part of the world are unforgettable, even though some are happier than others. I can still remember a particular dreadful event on the farm like it was yesterday. I was walking through the house on a hot summer day. I dare not go outside because I knew I'd die of heat exhaustion. In the house alone were my sister and I. My mother had run into town to do some errands, and my dad was out on the farm doing some chores. The phone rang and I casually picked it up. It was my dad. â€Å"Adam,†he said, sort of anxiously, â€Å"I need you to come down the lane and give me a hand.†My sister was listening in on the conversation as usual, and my Dad dared not to give me any specifics because he knew of this. As I apathetically told him yes, I went on to the porch, grabbed some shoes and wondered what on earth he could possibly need help with. I stepped outside and the burning sun immediately attacked me. I had no doubt that if my Dad needed a hand with some hard work it would be dreadful. Just two weeks earlier he needed me to help him put some barbed wire on some fence posts. It was an awful job, and may have been the worst two hours of my life. I had helped my Dad on the farm throughout my childhood, and I knew by the particularly terrible jobs I had to help him with before, that I should always fear when he asked for help. I hopped into my steaming hot truck and started back down the lane. As I drove down further back, I remembered the terrifying tornado that had struck our house, and had ripped an entire line of trees out of the ... ...m high school here. I had also spent times playing make-believe with my brother during my elementary years. I had even gone as far as attempting to raft down the little flooded creek. What a great place, how could I ever forget it? We dug a hole right under some old, dried up looking trees. We threw her down about three feet and buried her. The one animal that had been important throughout my entire childhood was now gone. The one place that was important my whole childhood, I was about to leave. The trees, the grass, the creek and the lane, so important, yet it was time to leave them. As I had left Patch, I had left the farm. I haven’t been on the farm behind my house for the two years since Patch’s death. I guess it was time for me to grow up. I miss my dog, and I miss being young. But life goes in circles, and it’s always time to start anew.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Religion Is Seen as Not Promoting Social Change for Marx and Durkheim. Essay
Religion is a powerful role in influencing a society and the lives of it’s members. The sociological traditions of Marx and Durkheim view religion totally differently, yet they both agree that religion is a very important aspect of a society. Durkheim and Marx each had their own definitions of religion. However, we will learn that they both see an important role that religion plays in a society, as well as the ways in which society creates and shapes their religions. Unlike Durkheim and Weber, Marx was not much concerned with the studying religion although his ideas on religion are very influential. For marx religion He further feels that a world that requires illusion (religion) has something wrong with it. Marx talks about two primary functions of religion in what he calls the â€Å"real world†. First he says that religion is the opium of the people. Marx feels religion provides anesthesia to the masses. To him, religion is a way for people to escape from some of the suffering in their lives or to somehow feel better despite all of their suffering. Religion deters suffering of the present situations of people. It allows people to put off their suffering because they believe it will be taken care of in heaven, or where ever, after they die. And as it would follow, religion helps people put more hope into â€Å"the year after†. People who are religious really do believe â€Å"life†will be better for them after they die. Also religion helps to maintain the oppression of the lower classed people by the people who make up the upper classes. The second primary function of religion in a society, according to Karl Marx, is that it is the sigh of the oppressed creature. Religion brings with it a safety value. People end up being lulled into the protection religion seems to offer them, and people do feel the need to feel and be safe. Religion also gives people an opportunity to complain about the ways of the world. The world is not the way religion says it should be and therefore people complain about the way it actually is, as a way of feeling like a good member of their chosen religion. Religion allows people to acknowledge the dehumanized state of their lives. It helps people to see the horrible way in which we are in and it helps keep us in this horrible way. We realize through religion that we are not finding fulfillment in our lives. Marx would view a relationship between religious belief and progressive social activism as a display of a dehumanized society yearning for self actualization. The people of a progressive social activist society are not getting self actualization because there political system allows for scarcity of necessities, goods and jobs, and they also oppress the people of their society. According to Marx, if people are without self actualization they will create a place where they can find self actualization. Religion helps people do that. Durkheim dedicated a considerable part of his academic life to the study of religion especially religion in small scale traditional societies. Allotting a single sentence to Durkheim in a kind of appendix to The Sacred & The Profane, Eliade comments that the French founder of sociology ‘believed that he had found the sociological explanation for religion in totemism’. Durkheim bases his work on the totemism practiced by Australian aborigines and argues that totemism is the most elementary or simple form of religion. Durkheim starts Forms by looking at how religion may be defined and here the sacred profane dichotomy comes immediately into play: the primary characteristic of religion is that it divides the world into the two domains of sacred and profane. In fact, the two are opposed so fundamentally that they are seen as separate worlds. In Durkheim’s view the sacred is far from being synonymous with the divine. Not only may gods and spirits be sacred, but also things like rocks, trees, pieces of wood, in fact anything. For what makes something sacred is not that it is somehow connected to the divine but that it is the subject of a prohibition that sets it radically apart from something else, which is itself thereby made profane. Durkheim describes religion in terms of beliefs and rites. For him, the details of these in particular religions are particular ways of dealing in thought and action with the fundamental dichotomy of sacred and profane.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Laptops in the Classroom Essay
The article â€Å"Laptops in the Classroom? No Problem†by Elena Choy is started with a great quote that makes the readers think about their instructor . â€Å"A teacher is someone who never says anything once (106). †Choy puts up an argument about whether or not laptop computers should be banned in the classroom. She also made it known that some professors may need to reevaluate their teaching techniques. Most professors feel that laptops in class today have become a huge distraction in the learning environment. Some students choose to use their laptop for other reasons other than taking notes. Students who choose to play games during class are obviously bored with the material or the teacher. This is becoming a problem in many classrooms today. Choy’s views on students with laptops do not have an effect on her teaching, and other professors should not let it distract them from doing their job. First, Choy really tries to see both sides of the story in this situation. She came up with some points on what most professors think about the subject. There were top four reasons for banning laptops in classrooms due to Choy’s research and experience. Choy’s reasons were â€Å"(1) the upraised lids of laptops distract the instructor, and they often prevent the instructor from making eye contact with the students;(2) laptops distract other students, who cannot help but see what is on the screensâ€â€-for example Facebook and twitter;(3) students who use laptops to take notes, take overly extensive notes, which means that they are doing stenography and are not really focused and thinking about what is going on in the classroom; (4) most students are so busy taking notes on their laptop do not participate in whatever discussion there may be in the course (106). †Choy has made it clear that in her class, there are only a select few who use laptops. She feels that if the students choose to take notes on their laptops and play games, then that is their choice. Choy’s does her job, she feels it is up to the student to pay attention and learn. Different students have different ways of learning. Based on Choy’s knowledge, she thinks that students take notes the best way they can. Some prefer to take shorthanded notes, while others prefer long detailed notes. Choy provided reasons and supporting information to get both parties’ points across. Last, â€Å"Laptop’s in the Classroom? No problem†is an essay that many professors around the globe can relate to. She makes the reader think about the situation from both sides. There were things that she said that most readers could really relate to. In some of my classes, most instructors say that they prefer students with laptops to sit in the back of the class or not have them at all. However, some students feel that teachers should not make students sit in the back just because of their note taking methods. Choy made a point about the teacher needs to stop worrying so much about the student’s laptop and focus on their lecture. Although, some teachers think that banning laptops will help the classroom’s atmosphere, it might do the opposite. Laptops are being perceived as distractions in the classrooms, when they have actually become helpful to some students. Choy has provided information to show both sides of the arguments. She did an excellent job on not taking one side. Choy thought that many professors should ask a hard question: If students in my courses are using laptops for purposes unrelated to the course, what am I doing wrong? Choy said that teachers should just do the jobs that they are being paid to do which is teach. Students are there to learn and it is up to them to do it. So if the laptops are banned, students will most likely have another form of entertainment in class, such as a cell phone or an Ipod. This argument over banning laptops can easily be solved by students and teachers playing their parts. Work Cited Choy, Elena. Laptops in the Classroom? No Problem. The Little, Brown Reader 2008. 106.
Disadvantaged Status
Do you wish to be considered a disadvantaged applicant by any of your designated medical schools that may consider such factors (social, economic, or educational)? The initiative in creating change has always been an integral aspect of man. Equipped with their relative skills and competencies, they engage in various efforts to create opportunities that will improve their capabilities and cater to the service of individuals. Amidst the trials and difficulties in the process, hard work and determination remains to be a vital factor in attaining their desired objectives and purpose in life.With this mindset, I wish to present my intention to apply at this prestigious institution. I feel that I should be considered as a disadvantaged applicant because of the fact that I indeed have faced challenges that qualify me for such. At a very young age, I have always been financially challenged and this led to a number of difficulties as well. Not having enough money, I did not have access to cle an water or electricity. Since I was living in a devastated area, I had to walk in fear at night just to get clean water.From an educational standpoint, I could only read in candlelight at night under the covers for fear of being discovered. School was the highlight of my day. Though I had to walk about 10 to 15 miles to school every day, I still looked forward to being able to learn more and escape from the harsh realities of my life by learning about other places. I did not have the benefit of having my own textbook and would share with my more fortunate classes as we were crammed into tiny rooms since there were not enough teachers.Suffice it to say that this experience has not only prepared me for life but it has also taught me the value of a good education. I do not wish to be called disadvantaged because I feel that what I went through was not a disadvantage but more of an advantage since it prepared me for this moment. Coming to America became easier because while I had to wo rk and support myself while in school this was in stark contract from the perilous circumstances of my childhood.I have been working full time most of the time and go to school full time to support myself and my family in Ethiopia financially even though I had financial aid and student loan. I work hard every day because I want to be able to give my family the same opportunity that I had to have a good education and some day be able to live a good life. As such, I will never let my grades fall low, let alone be average. I will work hard to get the best grade for I am confident in myself because I have a strong academic background. I have consistently received the best grades in my high school years until today thanks to my work ethic.As for me, scholarship recipient means taking more responsibilities compare to other students and must be leading other students all the way. I will be the one who will serve role models for other students. That is why I believe that this scholarship is a crucial step for me. My success and my accomplishments here will herald the beginning of the fulfillment of my personal and professional goals. It is said that the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you is your education and that is the one thing that I plan to not only gain for myself but for others as well.While I personally believe that â€Å"there is no such thing as a free lunch†and that everything a person has in life must come from hard work and perseverance, I also believe in charity. I believe in helping others who do not have much in life. I believe in helping people regardless of their nation, race or creed. I believe in being a better person so I can best help myself and others around me. I believe that (Insert Name of University) is the best place for me to turn these beliefs into realities.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Rayon Fibre
Cuprammonium Rayon threads from Filter Paper AAKASH NARAYAN XII-B DON BOSCO SCHOOL i. n. d. e. x 1. Objective 2. Certificate 3. Acknowledgement 4. Apparatus 5. Chemicals 6. Summary 7. Introduction 8. Procedure 9. Precautions 10. Bibliography o. b. j. e. c. t. i. v. e To make Cuprammonium Rayon Threads From Filter Paper c. e. r. t. i. f. i. c. a. t. eThis is to certify that Aakash Narayan, student of Class XII B, Don Bosco School ,Alaknanda  has completed the project titled ‘Cuprammonium Rayon Threads from Filter Paper’ during the academic year 2010-2011, towards partial fulfilment of credit for the chemistry practical evaluation of CBSE Board, and submitted satisfactory report, as compiled in the following pages, under my supervision. This project is absolutely genuine and does not indulge in plagiarism of any kind.The references taken in making this project have been declared at the end of this report. Ms. Cecilia Manichan Don Bosco School, Alaknanda a. c. k. n. o. w. l. e. d. g. e. m. e. n. t â€Å"There are times when silence speaks so much more loudly than words of praise to only as good as belittle a person, whose words do not express, but only put a veneer over true feelings, which are of gratitude at this point of time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ††I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my chemistry teacher Ms. Cecilia Manichan ,for her vital support, guidance and encouragement without which this project would not have come-forth.I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff of the Department of Chemistry at Don Bosco School for their support during the making of this project. I would also like to thank my partner ,my friend Gaurab Das Gupta helping me to perform the project. Aakash Narayan XII B, Don Bosco School a. p. p. a. r. a. t. u. s 1) Conical flask (250 ml) 2) Funnel 3) Glass rod 4) Beaker (250 ml) 5) Water bath 6) Whatman Filt er paper [pic] c. h. e. m. i. c. a. l. s 1) Copper Sulphate(CuSO4 ) 2) Caustic Soda Solution(NAOH) 3) Liquor ammonia solution ) Dilute Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) 5) Whatman Paper 6) Distilled water (H2O) s. u. m. m. a. r. y Rayon is a cellulose-based synthetic fiber . it was originally called ‘artificial silk’ or ‘wood silk’, because, it got Developed in an attempt to chemically produce silk. Rayon is a regenerated fiber. cellulose is converted to a liquid compound and then back to cellulose in the form of fiber. cuprammonium rayon is obtained by dissolving cellulose in ammoniacal copper sulphate solution. The rayon fibers have special characteristics: They are highly absorbent, ?Soft and comfortable, ? Easy to dye & ? Drape well. i. n. t. r. o. d. u. c. t. i. o. n Cellulose is nature’s own giant molecule. It is the fibrous material that every plant makes by baking glucose molecules in long chains, from seaweed to the sequoia; the chains are bound togeth er in the fibers that give plants their shape and strength. Wood is the main source of cellulose. it contains 40% to 50% cellulose. the substance must be extracted by ‘pulping’. The logs are flaked, and then simmered in chemicals that dissolve the tarry lignin, resins and minerals.The remaining pulp, about 93% cellulose, is dried and rolled into sheets-raw material for paper, rayon and other products. It can be obtained in two ways: 1. Viscose Process: Cellulose is soaked in 30% caustic soda solution for about 3 hrs. The alkali solution is removed and the product is treated with carbon di-sulphide (CS2). This gives cellulose xanthate, which is dissolved in caustic soda (NaOH) solution to give viscous solution. This is filtered and forced through a spinneret into a dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4) solution, both of which harden the gum-like thread into rayon fibers.The process of making viscose was discovered by C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan in 1891. 2. Cuprammonium Rayon: Cu prammonium rayon is obtained by dissolving pieces of filter paper in a deep blue solution containing tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide. The latter is obtained from a solution of copper sulphate (CuSO4). To it, ammonia solution (NH4OH) is added to precipitate cupric hydroxide (Cu(OH)2), which is then dissolved in excess of ammonia (NH3. ) Reactions: CuSO4 + 2NH4OH > Cu(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4 (Pale Blue Precipitate)Cu(OH) 2 + 4NH4OH > [Cu(NH3) 4](OH) 2 + 4H2O [Cu(NH3) 4](OH) 2 + pieces of filter paper left for 10-15 days give a viscous solution called ‘VISCOSE’. p. r. o. c. e. d. u. r. e I. Preparation of Schweitzer’s Solution: 1) Weigh 20g of CuSO4. 5H20. [pic] 2) Transfer this to a beaker having 100ml distilled water and add 15ml of dilute H2SO4 to prevent hydrolysis of CuSO4. [pic] 3) Stir it with a glass rod till a clear solution is obtained. Add 11ml of liquor ammonia drop by drop with slow stirring. The precipitate of cupric hydroxide is separated out. [pic] ) Filter t he solution containing cupric hydroxide through a funnel with filter paper. [pic] [pic] 5) Wash the precipitate of cupric hydroxide with water until the filtrate fails to give a positive test for sulphate ions with barium chloride solution. [pic] [pic] 6) Transfer the precipitate to a beaker that contains 50ml of liquor ammonia or wash it down the funnel. The precipitate when dissolved in liquor ammonia gives a deep blue solution of tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide. This is known as SCHWEITZER’S SOLUTION. [pic] II. Preparation of Cellulose material ) After weighing 2g of filter paper divide it into very fine pieces and then transfer these pieces to the tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide solution in the beaker. [pic] [pic] 2) Seal the flask and keep for 10 to 15 days, during this period the filter paper is dissolved completely. iii. Formation of Rayon Thread 1) Take 50ml of distilled water in a glass container. To this add 20ml of conc. Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) drop by drop. Cool the so lution under tap water. In a big glass container pour some of the solution. 2) Fill the syringe with cellulose solution prepared before. [pic] ) Place the big glass container containing H2SO4 solution produced before in ice (the reaction being spontaneous results in excess release of energy in the form of heat which makes the fibers weak and breaks them). [pic] [pic] 4) Immerse the tip of the syringe in the solution and press gently. Notice the fibers getting formed in the acid bath. Continue to move your hand and keep pressing the syringe to extrude more fibers into the bath. 5) Leave the fibers in solution till they decolorize and become strong enough. [pic] [pic] [pic] 6) Filter and wash with distilled water. . r. e. c. a. u. t. i. o. n. s 1) Addition of excess NH3 should be avoided. 2) Before taking the viscose in the syringe make sure that it does not contain any particles of paper, otherwise, it would clog the needle of the syringe. 3) Addition of NH3 should be done in a fume cupboard and with extreme care. The fumes if inhaled may cause giddiness. 4) Use a thick needle otherwise the fibers won’t come out. b. i. b. l. i. o. g. r. a. p. h. y I. Google. com II. Ask. com III. Wikipedia. com IV. Comprehensive Laboratory Manual in chemistry XII [pic][pic]
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