Thursday, December 26, 2019
Difference Between Speaking And Wring - 1033 Words
The difference between speaking and wring in English is the way it is perceived. It is varied from context and is reliant on context. When language is spoken, it is a form of behaviour made up of different dialects and morality. The context of which English is spoken or written has a dramatic influence, language is changed by different situations that a person is exposed to, Formal and informal, social events, professional events or cultural influences. Each context is made up of different surroundings and people in which are part of the communication. Different language can be used within the same context and be different from person to person. For example in a classroom the language used between and a teacher and student would be different to that of a peer to peer interaction. When speaking, people are usually face to face, therefore they can rely on such extra linguistic clues as facial expression and gesture to aid meaning. Written English is more reliant on the development of c areful organisation and compact expression, with often intricate sentence structure (Crystal, 2005). Speaking English Within Gee Hayes (2011) the authors suggest that language can be understood as a cognitive process, something that is in our head, our brain and minds that tell us how to speak. Another view is that it is a physical aspect that is present in the form of speech, recordings and writings. It can also be viewed as a means of social convention shared by a group of people, aboutShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Writing790 Words  | 4 PagesLanguage is an essential thing in someone’s daily life. Whether it is written or spoken it is our main way of communication with one another because of this someone is taught how to write and speak properly. Speaking is easier than writing because it is something someone has been doing since they were child. This is different for writing. A person is taught how to write when he or she goes to school and improves over time. I started writing papers after I came to the United States in 2014. I haveRead More An Analysis of Neutral Tones by Thoma s Hardy Essay822 Words  | 4 PagesAn Analysis of Neutral Tones by Thomas Hardy    We stood by a pond that winter day, (1) This line indicates a still quietness, with lack of the movement of life. There is a vast difference in appearance and movement around a pond in winter and a pond in the midst of summer. This indicates no leaves, and no visible signs of life. The poet is painting a stark and lifeless scene. And the sun was white, as though chidden of God,(2) This is indicative of the modernist approach to lightRead MoreEssay about Hip Hops Betrayal on Black Women1068 Words  | 5 Pagesduty. As you see in â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women†McLune states that women still sit back in silence in accept the belittling words that men throw at them through their lyrics. 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Thus, there should not be gender difference with clothing, color, jobs, income, and sports because everyone should be every to settle their own fate based on their preference and not others. First of all, many believe that the colors of clothing we wear should not represent our genderRead MoreGender And Gender Should Not Be Legal Essay1987 Words  | 8 Pagesproblems. There is truly no factual evidence that will show that our gender decides everything and while growing up gender is throne aside and only thing that should be treated different is the individuals character. Thus, there should not be gender difference with clothing, color, jobs, income, and sports because everyone should be every to settle their own fate based on their preference and not others. First of all, many believe that the colors of clothing we wear should not represent our genderRead More Comparing Heroes and Villains in Measure for Measure, Othello, and Hamlet2339 Words  | 10 Pagesproof, even if ambiguous. He suspects that Cassio having Desdemonas handkerchief indicates she had given it to Cassio affectionately, and he considers Desdemonas inability to produce it upon his request conclusive evidence. Othello thinks Cassio speaking of Bianca is further indication of Desdemonas infidelity: I marry her! What? a customer! Prithee/bear some charity to my wit (119-20, IV.i). The climactic confirmation for Othello is Iagos assumedly fabricated report of Cassio talking in hisRead MoreEnlightment of Education in Pygmalion and Educating Rita9449 Words  | 38 Pagesglobal | | |contacts. | | |The English language today serves as a means of this contact between people and nations| | |of the universe. That’s why the importance of learning and propagating of this language| | |was paid attention by the President of the Republic ofRead MoreMiss23262 Words  | 94 PagesEvaluating a Company’s External Environment  © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2010 Analysis is the critical starting point of strategic thinking.  Kenichi Ohmae Consultant and Author Things are always differentâ€â€the art is figuring out which differences matter.  Laszlo Birinyi Investments Manager Competitive battles should be seen not as one-shot skirmishes but as a dynamic multiround game of moves and countermoves.  Anil K. Gupta Professor I n the opening paragraph of Chapter 1, we
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues - 970 Words
In James Baldwin’s short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues,†one of the most pertinent themes throughout the story is the contrast and duality of light and darkness. More specifically, the author explores this theme by using light and darkness to explain the characters coming to terms with their realities and the realities of many people who live in their community. The theme also is key in explaining the relationship between Sonny and the narrator. In this paper, I intend to explain the significance of the tension of identifying one’s reality in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues,†by exploring the many instances that Baldwin uses light and darkness to explore one’s reality. Light is used in many different ways to explain the characters’ realities throughout the story. One way it is used is to explain the brightness that Sonny had as a child and lost. â€Å"I didn’t want to believe that I’d ever see my brother going down, coming to no thing, all that light in his face gone out, in the condition I’d already seen so many others†(61). The narrator is also coming to the reality that the younger brother he knew is no longer the same person because of his addiction. Light explains a pivotal moment in Sonny’s life, in which he realizes he lost part of himself to his addiction. â€Å"But now I just feel like a man who’s been trying to climb up out of some deep, real deep and funky hole and just saw the sun up there, outside, I got to get outside†(64). Sonny is also trying to get back some of that light he once had andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 916 Words  | 4 PagesJames Baldwin’s story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†tells the tale of two African-American brothers trying to survive in 1950s America. Both struggle with darkness in their lives, from drugs to bottling up emotions. The following sources were found Literature Research Centerâ⠂¬â„¢s website. Each of the four sources will be evaluated for the quality of their information, as well as their usefulness on the topic of darkness in â€Å" â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†. Flibbert, Joseph. Sonny s Blues: Overview. Reference Guide to ShortRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 933 Words  | 4 Pagesstory. Blues is a genre of music that is often used to express a sad mood. The contradictory lives of the two brothers contribute to the theme of being safe and take risks. In this story, James Baldwin writes about two brothers who were raised together. As time passed, they separated from one another and lived completely different lives. â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†by James Baldwin addresses the themes of finding comfort in music, dangers of addiction and the suffering of two brothers. First, Baldwin uses theRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 1578 Words  | 7 PagesJames Baldwin’s short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†was a great tale of the struggles shared between two brothers in Harlem in 1957. This story is about two African American brothers who, unfortunately, grew apart as the aged. The plot shows the struggles the two brothers faced as they grew up in Harlem, and in return, the two drastically different paths they perused. James Baldwin was an African American who grew up in Harlem in the 1930s and 40s. Baldwin was the oldest of nine children, and grew upRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues Essay2104 Words  | 9 PagesSeveral dialectics are at play in James Baldwin’s short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†including a dialectic between the narrator and his beloved brother Sonny involving their opposing responses to the sense of oppression and limitation that arises from living in Har lem. This dialectic and its resolution closely parallel Baldwin’s masterful use of Blues, Jazz, and Gospel music. We follow the narrator and his brother Sonny as they traverse the complexities of their individual and interconnected Harlem livesRead MoreAnalysis Of Sonny s Blue By James Baldwin Essay1004 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Sonny’s Blue†by James Baldwin is a story about two brothers who grew up in poverty. One brother went on to become a teacher, while the other pursued his dreams to become a musician and finds himself in prison due to drug use. The story begins with the narrator finding out about Sonny’s arrest. It’s easy to see his shock and almost disbelief. It takes the narrator a while to write to Sonny, but eventually he does, and they regain communication with one another after over a year of silence. Sonny is releasedRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 1366 Words  | 6 Pagesand dark ultimately guides Sonny and the narrator in their journey to overcome their internal struggles. In the short story Sonny’s Blues, James Baldwin uses darkness and light to show struggles and, transformation as both brothers teeter between the different shades of the blues, using music as a way to bring them both to redemption. Often times, when light is used in stories, readers can very easily relate the idea to happiness and following the right path. Baldwin uses light to illustrate whatRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues 995 Words  | 4 PagesJames Baldwin presents an emotional journey through Harlem in the 1950’s with his short story, â€Å"Sonny’s Blues.†From the beginning, the story is in medias res when the unnamed narrator is informed of bad news concerning his younger, troubled brother, Sonny. Throughout the story there is an ocean of emotions witnessed between these two brothers as they battle hardships from their past and present time. The setting plays an important role in â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†to an extent where it is practically a characterRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pagesntroduction: James Baldwin, author of Sonny s Blues, once said, I grew up with music...much more than with any other language. In a way, the music I grew up with saved my life (Session 3 Inquiry: Rudolfo Anaya and James Baldwin, 2015). Blues becomes Sonny s drug and his addiction to it his salvation.   Even though the adults refrain from lamenting their sufferings directly to the children and telling them about the darkness, the child-narrator still intimates its marks in their facesRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Sonny s Blue `` By James Baldwin1474 Words  | 6 Pages Music can be the lead to freedom from darkness. The story â€Å"Sonny’s Blue†by James Baldwin takes places in Harlem around the 1950’s. The story is about two brothers. One of the brothers is the narrator of the story whose name is unknown. The narrator tells the story of the struggles in Harlem but mainly the struggles of his brother with drugs, and his passion for jazz music. Through out the story the narrator avoids giving a sense of his own struggles with himself. However, in the end the readerRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s Sonny Blues 1753 Words  | 8 Pagesiniquity, gloom, or without light. In the short novel Sonny Blues by James Baldwin, the word â€Å"darkness†ap peared frequently throughout the reading. I think the significance of darkness of this particular situation of this book that Baldwin is trying to present is fear and suffering. It shows how the characters are in the state of panic and fear, of the situation they are in and all the sufferings they have to go through. Connecting the Baldwin to the novel, Harlem; where the story takes place is
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Truth The Only Truth Existing [This Is My Second And Last Of Phi Essay Example For Students
Truth The Only Truth Existing [This Is My Second And Last Of Phi Essay losophy 201]-RJ The Only Truth Existing We are, then, faced with a quite simple alternative: Either we deny that there is here anything that can be called truth a choice that would make us deny what we experience most profoundly as our own being; or we must look beyond the realm of our natural experience for a validation of our certainty. A famous philosopher, Rene Descartes, once stated, I am, I exist. This statement holds the only truth found for certain in our natural experience that, as conscious beings, we exist. Whether we are our own creators, a creation, or the object of evolution, just as long as we believe that we think, we are proved to exist. Thinking about our thoughts is an automatic validation of our self-consciousness. Descartes claims, But certainly I should exist, if I were to persuade my self of something. And so, I should conclude that our existence is a truth, and may be the only truth, that we should find its certainty. From the natural experiences of our being, we hold beliefs that we find are our personal truths. From these experiences, we have learned to understand life with reason and logic; we have established our idea of reality; and we believe that true perceptions are what we sense and see. But it is our sense of reason and logic, our idea of reality, and our perceptions, that may likely to be very wrong. Subjectiveness, or personal belief, is almost always, liable for self-contradiction. Besides the established truth that we exist, there are no other truths that are certain, for the fact that subjective truth may be easily refuted.Every person possesses his or her own truth that may be contradicting to another persons belief. A truth, or one that is true for all, cannot by achieved because of the constant motion of circumstances of who said it, to whom, when, where, why, and how it was said.What one person may believe a dog is a mans best friend, another may believe that a dogs is a mans worse enemy. What one may believe is a pencil, to another is not a pencil, but a hair pin. Where one may believe that a bottle is an instrument, one may believe is a toy, where another may believe is a beverage container. Where one will understand the moving vehicle car, one might understand car as a tree. Our perception of what is true depends on our own experiences, and how something becomes true for us. Many circumstances are necessary to derive at ones truth, whether it is an idea, object, or language. All perception, besides the perception of existence, is uncertain of being true for all individuals. Every thought, besides the idea that we think, has the possibility that it may be proven wrong. The author of the article, Knowledge Regained, Norman Malcolm, states that, any empirical proposition whatever could be refuted by future experience that is, it could turn out to be false. An example could be the early idea of the earth being flat and not the current perception of the earth being round. History tells us that at one time, the perception of the earth was thought to be flat. This notion was an established truth to many because of the sight and sense that people perceived about the earths crust. At one point, to accept the newer truth that the earth is round, meant that, what one believed was true, really wasnt. And, what if, at some point in the future, we were told by a better educated group of observers that the earth is not round, but a new shape weve never even perceived before? Would we agree to the scientists observation that they have, themselves, agreed to this more accurate shape of the earth?. We would probably agree to change our knowledge of truth to the observations of experts. This is an example that, what we may have once believed to be the absolute truth, may be proven wrong at any time. And what we actually know, may not be the truth after all. .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 , .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .postImageUrl , .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 , .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321:hover , .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321:visited , .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321:active { border:0!important; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321:active , .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321 .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud221cc6bbff8784fa3ecadd291f37321:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Cultural revolution Essay Truth may also be refuted through the identified appearance or sense of an object. A great modern philosopher, Bertrand Russells, idea of appearance and reality explains that perception of a table and its distribution of colors, shape, and sense, vary with each point of view. Commenting on the distribution of color, Russell states that, It follows that if several people are looking at the table at the same moment, no two of them will see exactly the same distribution of colours, because no two can see it from exactly the same point of view, and any change in the point of view makes some change in the way the light is reflected.What one person sees the table as green, one might see as red at another viewpoint. And what might seem to have color is actually colorless in the dark. What one might perceive as being rectangle, may look oval in another view. What may sense the table to be hard by a touch of the fingertips, may be soft by the touch of the cheek. Determining hardness of the table depends on pressure applied and judge of the sensation. No assumptions can be absolutely true because there is no determining factor in choosing the right angle to look at or sense the table. There are no determining factors in which angle or measurement is better to judge than the other in sense of color, shape, and feel of an object. Every object is determined self-contradicting which can be refuted by questioning its perception and even the existence for its use. Our experiences from our natural existence gives us a bias of all that is true, which is self-contradicting. The ideas and objects that we encounter are determined true by personal evaluation in the relationships of those ideas and objects in connection with our being. The relationship of the ideas and objects in connection with another persons life may be contradicting to my own beliefs. I am, I exist, may be the only statement with any validity of our certainty.We cannot test the validity of our reality, reason, logic, and perception in relation to all individuals, but we can test to the validity of our existence by thinking, therefore, being. Put your paper here.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The European Renaissance Analysis Essay Example For Students
The European Renaissance Analysis Essay The European RenaissanceThe Renaissance was a period of European history, considered by modern scholars as that between 1300 and 1600. Many dramatic changes happened during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a period of new inventions and beliefs. The Renaissance was drastically different from the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages the church held most of the power and its economy was agriculturally based. Exploration and learning was almost put to a stop. During the Renaissance society was transformed into a society increasingly dominated by central political institutions with an urban commercial attitude. Also, peoples curiosity overcame their fear and many people started to venture out and explore. New schools and colleges became more and more common. The Renaissance was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan ,and Venice. We will write a custom essay on The European Renaissance Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants started to spend money on different things, such as painting, learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar, the humanist. Humanism was subjects concerned with humankind and culture. They studied various things such as Latin, Greek language, literature and philosophy. Music and mathematics were also studied as well. The Renaissance gave way to new forms of painting , art and sculpture. During the Renaissance, artist were no longer regarded as mere artisans, as they had been to the medieval past, but for the first time emerged as independent personalities, compared to poets and writers. Many artisans merged mathematics with art , in order to become more precise in their measurements and to make sure an object was supported both rationally and proportionally. As a result painters tried and often succeeded into making their painting a window into the world. Artists also studied the way light hits objects and the way our eyes perceive light. A new kind of paint called oil paint was used. This allowed the artist to create texture , mix colors, and allow more time for corrections before it dried. The printing press was probably the most important advance in technology.Europeans first used movable metal type to print a book. On small pieces of metal they engraved single letters of the alphabet. These could then be arranged and rearranged to form words and sentences. Johan Gutenberg is usually given credit for the first book printed, a copy of the Bible. By the 1500s printing presses where fairly well spread. The printing press had many effects on the world. First of all, it made books much easier to come by, which made them cheaper. That meant common people could afford them. As a result literacy became more widespread, in contrast to the Middle Ages where usually monks and church officials were the only able to read. Second, since many more people were able to read, they wanted to read subjects other than religious or scientific work. So books on other subjects were published as well. Also many books were published in languages other than Latin, such as English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Italian. A third effect was that scholars had better access to one anothers work. They could also read the great works of the ancient and medieval periods. The Renaissance also had an effect on the general society. Many people became interested in politics. Also, people became interested in the world outside of their towns. Many became explorers, merchants, and map makers. Religion especially changed during the Renaissance. In the Middle ages people were primarily concerned with serving the church and getting to heaven. But the increase in arts and education gave people something to look forward to, and a life worth living.So in turn, people based their lives around various other things instead of the church. Because of the increase in literacy people learned that the Catholic Church only told the populous what they wanted them to hear. .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .postImageUrl , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:hover , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:visited , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:active { border:0!important; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:active , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: THe Most Imporanf The Tsars Fall From Power. Essay This caused many people to break away from the church and form Protestant religions. The Renaissance produced many great minds. Leonardo da Vinci was one of these. Although he was not regarded as a genius in his time. He had numerous works of art such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He also is now regarded as a great inventor. He is credited for coming up with the idea of the helicopter. He dissected corpses to learn more about human anatomy. Another great man was a German monk, Martin Luther. He taught Biblical studies at the University of Wittenberg. Luthers beliefs challenged the church although many people agreed with his ideas. He was eventually excommunicated from the church and he started Protestantism. In conclusion, the Renaissance was a time of new awakening in Europe. It include the general loss of power by the church, an increase in literacy and education, and an exploration period.History
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